نرم افزار PROSPER از مجموعه IPM


اهداف دوره: آشنایی با مدلسازی رفتار جریان سیال در چاه با بکارگیری نرم افزار PROSPER

1- Components of the petroleum production system
2- The system analysis approach and its phenomena and calculations
3- Principles of data quality control and preparation for well flow modeling in PROSPER
4- Integrated oil well modeling
5- Modeling naturally flowing oil wells and dry and wet gas wells with PVT matching
6- Matching naturally flowing oil well tests
7- Modeling horizontal oil wells
8- Sensitivity analysis runs in horizontal wells
9- Modeling multilateral dry gas producers
10- Pipeline only modeling and matching
11- Sensitivity analysis of flow performance for flow configuration design in wells
12- Sucker Rod Pump Design
13- Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) design in wells
14- Performance Analysis of ESP-fitted wells


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